Feminism and the daughters of the Goddesses
Jul 20, 2018
We are living during the rise of the feminine and this is not a process that happens outside of us.
It's being built within us and then it will be expressed in the world. This rising requires the participation of all. As each woman steps into the full power of her being, the feminine becomes more whole, visible, and luminous.
To take that journey we have to be willing to see the dark spots, the shadows, the ugly realities.
There are many ways the feminine is currently disrespected in this world. She's disrespected in the form of woman. Told she's less than, paid less than, not respected for the wisdom she carries about her life and her own physical form. She's portrayed as sex symbol, objectified for the pleasure of men. She's made powerless through the colonisation of her body and mind. She's assaulted, silenced, minimised, and patronised.
The feminine principle is also disrespected. Intuition, receptivity, trust, vulnerability, emotional openness. They're all treated as suspect. Not to be trusted. Soft. Weak. Not real. Not true.
Women have fallen victim to this thinking as much as men. I see many women who are willing to explore these aspects of themselves when not much is at stake. I see far fewer women carrying these principles into their working lives. I see a great divide. The woman as she is when she feels it's safe to be at ease, and the woman who armours herself up when she enter the 'real world'; the world of business, of commerce, of money and men. Then the principles of the feminine are dropped. Disregarded. Seen as useless, nice but not necessary.
I feel the power of the feminine rising up and saying, 'You think I'm weak? Sit back. I'm about to move mountains in ways inconceivable to you.'
There's a reason the patriarchal mindset came into form; scared men. Men terrified of the power of woman. Our magical and mystical power. One they didn't know how to access or control. A power so elemental that in order to quash it they had to distance themselves from the earth, take control of the environment, discredit us by naming us 'witches' and then maiming and murdering us for 400 years in order to convince us that we weren't powerful, but weak. At the end of the witch hunts we were subdued. Convinced of the need to conform, to hide our power, to not cause waves. We were turned into good girls; polite women, devoted wives and mothers, uncomplaining employees.
The power of the patriarchy rests in fear. Fearful men exerting a false sense of strength because the feminine in all her abundance and glorious power terrified them.
And so we've stayed hidden. Small. We've taken on the cloaks of men and clawed our way into public and business life. Not by challenging the very core of these institutions but by behaving like men, speaking as men, convincing ourselves and the men that we're just like them and so, deserve the same rights as them.
We are far more powerful than that. We do not need to lower ourselves to that standard. We are daughters of the Goddesses of Artemis and Diana. Of Bridget and Dana. We are not a lesser version of man. We are nothing less than the living embodiment of the divine feminine and we will no longer pretend we are anything less.
It's time for feminism to speak this deepest truth.
We fight for cheaper child care subsidies and more flexible working conditions, yet continue to work in the ways of men; only with the use of our rational minds, our logical brains, and our adversarial selves. While we do that, we uphold the very system we are trying to break down.
We have to go further. Much further. We have to look not just at working practices and conditions, but at the very essence of the way we work. The way we show up as working beings.
We must learn to bring the feminine into that; respected for the deep wisdom and knowledge she brings, revered for the efficiency she allows, understood as the muse and so much more; as the sight, the visionary, the one who demands ease and flow, joy and passion. All of these are essential to her power and means of expression. When we not only understand that, but are deeply living in the truth of it, then will finally we stop talking about the juggle. We'll stop thinking that structural change is possible without internal change. We'll stop looking first for solutions outside of ourselves. We'll become the change we seek in the world and mountains that seemed impossible to shift, will move with ease.