About Us
Visibility is:
-> a leadership development tool
-> a path for human evolution
-> a business tool
-> a tool for social justice, and
-> a path to peace.
We're here to help you...
To speak up, increase your impact, and promote your work.
We support you to heal visibility wounds, build healthy visibility habits, and learn about the impact of structural inequality on your experience of being seen and heard.
We’ll help you to understand the healing power of being seen and heard and learn about its role in achieving lasting peace within ourselves and in our world.Â
To get started you can choose from our articles, podcast, courses, and 1:1 services.
To learn more about The School of Visibility® founder Samantha Nolan-Smith, jump on over here.
We work with changemakers and people who want to be purposefully visible. That includes:
-> coaches, creatives, consultants, well-being professionals, founders of not for profits, and social entrepreneurs who are ready to share their work and expertise with more people
-> women, femme, and non-binary people who want to create purposeful communities, and/or embody a new way of leading (less informed by hierarchical and patriarchal ways of thinking and being).
Why might women need help with visibility?
Well, the statistics around women and visibility are appalling Â
▶︎ Female actors get far fewer speaking roles than male actors (approximately one third are awarded to women).
▶︎ Female journalists get fewer bylines than male journalists and our stories don't fill anywhere near as many books.
▶︎ There are fewer of us on the boards of Fortune 500 companies (31% of board seats are occupied by women) and we’re wildly under-represented in parliaments around the world (currently 24% globally).
▶︎ Female sports stars receive far less television coverage than men (approximately 7% of total coverage in Australia). And our art is featured on fewer gallery walls. For example, in 2011 the National Gallery in the UK held 2,300 pieces of art in its collection, of which only 10 were by women.
▶︎ values women's voices, stories, and wisdom
▶︎ encourages the embodiment of a different style of leadership
▶︎ celebrates diversity and benefits us all
▶︎ sees women using entrepreneurship as a force for social change in the world.
For women to lead the world in this new paradigm, we need to be more visible and vocal about creating change in the world.
Your decision to speak up matters
It’s very easy to tell yourself you’ll do it later, you’re not ready to be visible, or you don’t have the time. But if you want to create positive change – in your business, life, or in the world – eventually you'll find yourself wrestling with the topic of speaking up and being seen and heard.
Here at the School of Visibility®, we don't force you into influencer culture (bleurgh), or into speaking up before you're ready or in a way that feels inauthentic.
Instead, you'll learn about the silencing influences that are stopping you from using your voice and claiming space. Even better, you'll learn how to free yourself from their smothering grasp so you can gently find your way to expressing exactly what it is you're here to share with the world.Â

Want to join the School of Visibility community?
Throughout 2024 we're publishing a newsletter 'A Life Made Visible' on Substack. Each week you can expect visibility stories and insights for living a more visible life.Â
To receive all the visibility goodness we have for you, sign up here.👇