The spirit of the land is speaking
Jan 17, 2020
You may have heard me speak about the impetus for starting the School of Visibility before. I was sitting in a conference in Portland, Oregon and opened intuitively to guidance from the universe about the deeper calling of my life from that time forward. Sitting quietly, the words came very clearly into my head; 'Make the invisible visible'.
At the time that felt like a broad sort of instruction and I knew it could and probably would mean multiple things; raising the visibility of women, supporting the release of visibility fears, and most of all, making visible the spiritual truths and powers that will underpin the way we live in the new world we're creating.
Until now, the timing hasn't been right to speak about spiritual truths and powers that might be cultivated. But this recent fire season in Australia has altered a lot in this country and the time is now right to speak to you in more detail about some of these things.
So this is going to be a slightly different post to some of our others. It's less about the nuts and bolts of becoming more visible and more about understanding the deeper energetic movements that are happening on the planet so you can tap into that and then step out as a messenger to others.
The first topic speaks to what needs to happen at a community level around the world.
Over the last few months I've been living with the devastation that the fires have brought to Australia. My husband has been working on the fires since September and has been away a lot.
The impact that's had on our family unit with no extended family around us, has been intense.
In the living of it, I've been shown what's missing in society as a whole. It's not something I haven't thought of before, but it's created a deepening in my understanding of just how important it is to the fabric of society as a whole.
Specifically it's highlighted to me the deep need for stronger communities to be formed.
We will not break down old oppressive systems and face the challenges of the next decade and beyond if we don't base our work in strong communities. For those who feel called to be a community builder in this way, please let this act as a spark to consider how else you might spread the word about what you're doing and how others might emulate your good work.
The second topic relates to what needs to happen at an individual, systemic, and energetic level around the world.
The experience of not having my life and domestic partner around me is that I've lived a lifestyle that many women who live with a male partner experience all the time. I've carried the domestic load entirely on my own. I could have made a change to that to bring in more support, but not knowing how long the fires were going to last I kept thinking that it would be ok, that I could just keep going. Ultimately that hasn't served our family in the highest and best manner and that's the point I'm wanting to make here; that way of living and working doesn't serve anyone. Not the woman, not the family, not society.
The experience has reminded me of the deep value of interconnected and interdependent masculine and feminine systems and energies. (Please note that I say systems and energies here, not people. Although the lesson was shown to me in a heteronormative setting, the lesson is not one about gender relationships per se. It's also about balance either within yourself, with a partner of any gender - if you have one - or in your workplace or business.)
The world will not evolve while the balance is tipped so far in favour of masculine energies and systems at the expense of feminine energies and systems. This imbalance expresses itself in many forms, in workplaces, in political structures, and yes, in domestic environments where women are carrying so much of the domestic burden and men are (energetically and sometimes physically) standing on the shoulders of the women in their lives in order to do their work in the world.
So if you feel called to speak up more about this need for interconnection, for a rebalance of the masculine and feminine, please take this as inspiration to step forward and speak up. The world needs many voices speaking about this issue at this time.
The third topic relates to a shift in the way you receive spiritual guidance.
There's a final message to share today and it's with those that identify as 'spiritual women'.
Some of you will be aware that the rainbow serpent has woken in Australia. We're currently living through a new dreaming phase. If you resonate with this, irrespective of whether you're Australian or not, I ask you to consciously set your intentions now.
The serpent wakes up the consciousness of the whole planet. She starts the new dreaming for the whole world.
In Australia many have been through a literal smoking. We've been cleansed just as the old people have always cleansed negative spirits with their smoking ceremonies. The smoking started in a big way in the original colony. The rum colony. The place where things deviated off their holistic and integrated path. It then moved through our political capital and as I write this, it's working its way through the southern cities.
All nations will energetically prepare themselves for the new earth we're building. That won't necessarily look like fire or like a smoking ceremony. All lands have their ancient traditions and ways of clearing and healing. All have their own trauma lines to heal. Each will find its unique form of expression.
Australians have been humbled in these last few months. Many have suffered deep trauma. Many have died, lost loved ones, or their homes or livelihoods have been taken from them. Entire communities have been destroyed.
We've also been humbled by the deep generosity of people the world over. People who have sent money or prayers or firefighters or anything else they could think of.
And this is why strong community is so important. It's time for the people of the world to act as a global community. To see the deep interconnectedness of all living things; humans, plants, animals, minerals. To understand that when one suffers, we all suffer.
Many of us have been stripped by the experience of these last few months. Some materially, some spiritually, some emotionally. Going forward, less artifice will accepted. Fewer lies and deceptions will be tolerated.
Those that are hiding behind egoic masks will soon be stripped bare and all will see the truth that the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.
A year or two ago I was given guidance that the world had flipped on its axis. I wasn't sure at the time whether that was meant to be taken literally or metaphorically. (The messages of spirit can be confusing at times.) Now I realise it means a few things;
- Just as women, and people of colour, people with disabilities, the economically disadvantaged, and LGBTIA communities are rising up, so too is the southern hemisphere. As she rises, so does wisdom and ways of being that aren't rooted in European philosophy and pedagogy.
- Whilst most spiritual and religious traditions have invited an approach to spirituality which has been about moving upwards - towards the heavens - now there will be a move downwards, towards the body. Through the human form and deep into the body of the earth.
- Australia is home to the oldest continuous living culture on the earth. The nations that lived here lived in harmony with the land. They developed deep spiritual connections with Her. They were grounded peoples. They knew how to transmute spirit and make it manifest. When they left their bodies to connect with spirit it was for a very deliberate and specific purpose and not because they didn't know how to access spirit in the material realm. They never abandoned their Mother in the name of individual self expression.
- Starting in the south and by virtue of this noble custodianship, energetic lines will soon spread out and connect all places and people on the globe. The wisdom of the ancient people will pass through these energetic lines.
If you are willing to release the old way of connecting to spirit, the spirit of the land is speaking again. She is speaking to all who are willing to take the time to listen. The animals are speaking too. They're connecting with all who are open. The animals have deep wisdom to share. Wisdom that humans have been ignoring since they decided they were the only ones to carry consciousness and the only form in which their deity could express itself.
For the first time in the history of the world, we also have a Pope from the southern hemisphere. Do not underestimate the significance of this. This is not a coincidence. This too is part of the rising of the new world and the new way.
All forms, all structures, all traditions are up for renewal. All is being made possible at this time. Things that seemed intransigent will soon transmute.
Wounds are being brought to the surface for healing. New technologies are being brought forward to facilitate that healing quickly and easily.
So as you're working with your beloved guides and ascended masters and Angelic beings - especially those of you that work with these entities - remember this; you don't need to look to 'the heavens' for guidance. This is a misunderstanding that arises from old world, religious traditions that have long dominated the northern hemisphere (and which led to the diminishment of nature based, Goddess worshiping traditions in your part of the world).
Instead, open your ears to the Earth. She will guide you. She will show you what you need to speak up about. She - and the animals - want to work with you.
These voices and messages are the ones that need elevating at this time.
The time has come to listen to the body of the Earth.
There are enough of us now who have learned to live in harmony with our own bodies. Many of us needed to heal trauma wounds for that to happen. That was a necessary precursor to working harmoniously with the body of the Earth for she too has been subjected to deep trauma.
If you hear her call, keep tuning in. My function on the earth at this time is to raise your voice. The Mother is looking for mouthpieces to spread her message and if you're reading this, you too are invited to play that role.