What does your visible life look like?
May 12, 2023
Ever thought about living a life where you feel comfortable showing your true self without any fear or hesitation? This is what I call a "visible life."
It's one where you've dropped all your fears about how you show up and speak up.
Here's what it looks like for me:
1. I feel comfortable in my skin irrespective of my environment
2. I can show up in all sorts of spaces without needing to second guess how I'm 'supposed to' behave (which means... hello to being present and goodbye to exhaustion)
3. I feel excited when someone asks me about my business and I get an opportunity to tell them all about it
4. I've stopped apologising unnecessarily and say thank you instead
5. I feel comfortable reaching out to and/or connecting with people, even if they're a 'bigger name' than me
6. My business is sufficiently visible to generate the revenue I need to live my dream lifestyle (something I've been able to carve out based on my values and ideals rather than other people's)
7. I'm not overwhelmed by domestic and business demands because I've broken away from the compulsion to 'do it all'
8. I no longer feel ashamed about asking for the sale or about the School of Visibility being a business that needs to generate revenue in order to exist in the world
9. I've stopped trying to fit neatly into a box. I'm comfortable being both intuitive and rational, strategic and willing to follow ideas that 'feel right', a social justice advocate and a proud witchy woman
10. I advocate for my children in requisite settings without apology or unnecessary drama
11. I feel no compulsion to be either a domestic goddess or a perfect mother and have plenty of me-time both inside and outside of the home
12. I feel completely comfortable advocating for the things that matter to me and I've finally learned (after much trial and error) where my advocacy lane is. I've learned to stay in my lane and speak from there, while amplifying the voices others who are speaking about things I'm also passionate about, but who are better positioned to act in the role of advocate and/or educator on that topic
13. I exercise genuine discernment with regard to the information I take in via socials, through books, movies, podcasts etc
14. I also exercise discernment about the kinds of people I speak to on different topics. In other words, I no longer waste time speaking to people who, from the outset, make it clear that they will never be interested in my opinions or ideas (I kind of wish I could go back in time and tell this to my teenage and 20 year old self. How much time she would have saved)
15. I've abandoned all industrialised notions of what productive and 'lazy' look like which has allowed me to really lean into my identity as a sleeper. :) My normal day looks like this; I wake at 8am, nap in the middle of the day, and am in bed reading by 9pm
16. I live in the city I want, socialise according to my desires, and spend a lot of my weekends reading because C.S Lewis was right; 'You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me'
17. I feel comfortable asking for clarification when I don't understand something (having dropped the story that this will reflect badly on me in some way)
18. I don't feel like I have anything to prove vis-a-vis the shape or size or age of my body
19. I understand my health is the foundation for all of life and take to my bed when I'm sick without apology or delay
20. I feel proud of my work and what it's contributing to the world.
These are some of the things that make my visible life my best life.
What about you?
What does a visible life look like to you?
Of course none of this would have been possible without breaking down patriarchal conditioning and freeing myself from visibility blocks. To get started - or continue with this work yourself - jump on over here and choose the level of support that's right for you.