Thank you for checking out Women Speaking Up

Our doors are now closed but we have many other visibility resources for you.

Here's where you can pick up our Visibility Toolkit (for clearing out old fears and limitations) and here's where you can pick up our Visibility Strategy Kit (this will walk you through everything you need to think about when developing a visibility strategy for your business or organisation). 

Julia, Brand Strategist, Argentina

Joining Women Speaking Up has been life changing!!

The positive effect of the block clearing work has been such a revelation and it's been so helpful to have an accountability buddy. 

I no longer feel ashamed, I feel good about sharing my message, I've stopped approval seeking, and I'm enjoying the process of becoming more visible! 


Liz, Virtual Assistant, Australia

I love being a part of Women Speaking Up! My biggest visibility aha so far has been that blocks do not have to 'stay' blocksYou aren't actually doomed to repeat the same patterns!

Through the program I feel confident in:

  • being able to clearly see blocks and take action to move them,
  • working on my projects and goals every day,
  • finalising content and moving towards making things live.

I feel more calm taking action around visibility - as opposed to scattered and running in circles. I also love that working on visibility impacts all areas of your life positively - it helps you become more of who you are.

Lou, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, Australia

Women Speaking Up has helped me to feel more confident about being more myself online.

I have become more interactive in group comments, sharing more of myself and feeling more comfortable sharing about my work and businessI've experienced the same in face to face settings too. 

I love everything that I have learned from and seen role modelled by Samantha.

Imagine running a business that's at JUST THE RIGHT SIZE for you to earn the kind of money you want and live the kind of lifestyle you dream of.

Imagine putting out offers and knowing that you have enough of the RIGHT KIND OF PEOPLE excited to hear about your products and services.

Imagine having enough MOMENTUM that people approach you with AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rather than having to keep tracking them down yourself.

That's what visibility can do for a business owner.

Ruth Bracke, Leadership Coach at Wise Women, Belgium 

The curriculum is very hands on, practical, pragmatic and I love that.

The live calls help me with integrating and putting into practice everything I’m learning in the digital courses. I’m so happy I joined the program.

Samaria, Sacred Soul Practice Psychotherapy and Coaching, USA 

When I felt more stuck than ever on my visibility journey no matter what I tried, I discovered this program and it changed so much for me. 

Samantha is an amazing heart centred coach. She has created such a beautiful safe container for you to move through blocks around visibility and speaking up. 

This is a gift you can give yourself that will change everything for the better.

Kara, Arizona, Career Coach, USA

In just a couple of months I’m finally getting past the hump of trying to figure out “what am I doing for who?”

I’m taking a lot more action, posting on social media, have had more opportunities to be on podcasts and radio shows, and have been seeing more traffic to my business!

Suzanne Frankenfeld, Spiritual Teacher, Speaker, Author, Germany 

I feel so empowered after our time together.

The wise teachings of Samantha, her guidance, her methods, and the support of the group have been so unbelievably supportive to me.